Why Future Academy ?
- The Academy was the first to introduce the Computer Science Department in Egypt.

- The first higher institute in Egypt to implement Professional Postgraduate Programs (Diploma, Master, and Doctorate) in cooperation with the Faculty of Commerce, Tanta University.
Regulation of Qualifications
- All conferred degrees are approved by the Supreme Council of Universities.
Achievements and excellence
- Mr. President will honor the Institute’s top graduates for the year 2023 as part of the ceremony for top graduates honoring the of Egyptian higher education institutions, which will be held at the Suez Canal Authority Stadium in Ismailia.

- The institute is one of the best five institutes nationwide, as evaluated by the Ministry of Higher Education for the academic year 2022-2023.

- The Institute’s students were awarded the “best project in the world” through public voting for the year 2021 in the Google Solution Challenge competition.

- The institute assisted its students to obtain a three-month summer training and travel grant at the University of Central Lancashire (UClan) in England, within the framework of the Erasmus+ international cooperation project for student exchange concluded between the Institute and the University of Central Lancashire in England.

Quality of Education
- Belief in the need to apply quality standards-based education at the Academy to compete with regional and international competition has resulted in the acquisition of a certificate (ISO 9001-2015) Quality Control Certification in the field of Education .

- The credit hour system is the system applicable in many developed countries around the world. The credit hour system is characterized by the advantage of having a summer semester from which the student benefits. If he fails three or more subjects, the student pays the fees for repeating the failed subjects only, not the entire year, and he can register up to two subjects in the summer semester. The third subject is registered with the subjects of the following academic year. As for the old system (the two-semester system), the student repeats the year and pays the full tuition fees.
International Agreements
Academy signed several agreements with international companies to train students,

- In the field of programming and information systems has been awarded a contract to Microsoft global certificates accredited academy and winning the first position on the Middle East and Africa at the center agreement.

- In the field of databases it has been an agreement with Oracle company specialized in databases that serve most areas in computer science.

- The joint cooperation between academic protocol and FCI and Ain Shams University Faculty of Commerce and which allows recreating and teachers and support staff of various scientific departments to obtain master's and doctoral signature.

- Student mobility project with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) – UK through Erasmus+ project, offering students a possibility of studying and travelling abroad in the English University for a period from 3 to 4 months.

- Signed academic cooperation agreement with the Universities of America and Aadner and Philadelphia Jordan after the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education, where the agreement provides for the exchange of experiences in school programs and organize mutual visits of students and faculty academy and university members and the possibility of completing the study for students abroad low fees.

- Due to the availability of scientific and laboratory capabilities Council of Arab Universities Union has agreed to join the Academy of EU membership This membership allows academic exchange of experiences and visits with members of the Arab Universities Union.

- Future Academy is a member at the academic alliance of Dell EMC company, and the fourth academic year of computer science department were tested.
Paving the way for students
- The Academy offers academic and athletic scholarships.

- The Academy provides regular transportation and offers the possibility of paying the fees in instalments.

- The graduates of Information Systems, Business Administration and Accounting Departments are enrolled in the Trade Union. Graduates from Computer Science Department are enrolled in the Scientists Union.

- The students' military service can be postponed until 28 years of age.

- The Academy assists in providing the graduates with employment opportunities through the Alumni Association and the annual employment fair.

- The Academy provides summer training for students in reputable Institutions and organizations.

- Each student has an e-mail account with unlimited storage area and with remote accessibility to exam results and learning materials.

- More than half a century of experience in private education.

Teaching Staff
- The teaching staff represents a specially selected core of individuals who enjoy a high level of knowledge and culture, and a high capability of advanced reflection and communication with students .
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