Our partners
Our partners

1. Cisco Academy
An agreement with the international Cisco company to obtain a free grant for students and graduates of the academy to obtain training (students and graduates of the academy to obtain training (training training) choose one of them by registering their data in the form prepared by the Microsoft department, and after registering the students, emails were sent To make the activation start the cycle and then pass the buses are certified by Cisco.

2. Huawei Academy
A cooperation agreement with the Huawei Academy and registration of the institute as a partner with it, whereby the institute nominates a number of lecturers to obtain the scientific material online for free and enter the exam through a voucher provided by the Huawei Academy (as the price of the original exam without the voucher is $200). The academy aims to develop youth skills, involve them in international competitions, transfer technological knowledge, train university students and graduates through international experts from Huawei, and obtain accredited certificates from credible bodies recognized by the labor market. Huawei will seek to develop young talents in the ICT field in Egypt.

3. Oracle Academy
A partnership is made between the institute and the global Oracle company, so that courses are held for the students of the institute to study the Oracle Database, and a 25% discount is made from the exam price by the global Oracle company.

4. AUC
An agreement was made with the American University in Cairo to conduct an English language course inside the academy at a reduced price for students and graduates of the academy. Indeed, more than one group has been worked on the first and second levels for students.


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