Important announcement for the students of General Secondary Education (GSE)
Tansik registration for the third phase and students who have passed the second round exams is available now through Tansik website:

How to register :-
- The Academy accepts Students who have obtained the certificate of General Secondary Education (GSE) online via the website

Future Academy Departments – Credit Hours System:-
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Information systems
- Department of Business Administration and Accounting
- Department of Business Administration and Accounting (English)

Future Academy Scholarships:-
(1) The Academy offers academic scholarships for outstanding first year students as follows:
- Students who have obtained 95% or higher are totally exempted from paying any tuition fees.
- Students who have obtained 90% or higher are exempted from 50% of their tuition fees.
- Students who have obtained 85% or higher are exempted from 15% of their tuition fees.

(2)  The Academy offers scholarships for athletic excellence for new applicants in competitions supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education as follows:
- Students with first rank are totally exempted from paying any tuition fees.
- Students with second rank are exempted from 50% of their tuition fees.
- Students with third rank are exempted from 25% of their tuition fees.  


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