Important announcement for the students of General Secondary Education (GSE)

The Second phase of Tansik registration is available now through Tansik website :

How to register :-
- The Academy accepts Students who have obtained the certificate of General Secondary Education (GSE) online via the website

Future Academy Departments – Credit Hours System:-
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Information systems
- Department of Business Administration and Accounting
- Department of Business Administration and Accounting (English)

Future Academy Scholarships:-
(1) The Academy offers academic scholarships for outstanding first year students as follows:
- Students who have obtained 95% or higher are totally exempted from paying any tuition fees.
- Students who have obtained 90% or higher are exempted from 50% of their tuition fees.
- Students who have obtained 85% or higher are exempted from 15% of their tuition fees.

(2)  The Academy offers scholarships for athletic excellence for new applicants in competitions supervised by the Ministry of Higher Education as follows:
- Students with first rank are totally exempted from paying any tuition fees.
- Students with second rank are exempted from 50% of their tuition fees.
- Students with third rank are exempted from 25% of their tuition fees.

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